The Role of Different Types of Motivation on The ‎Acquisition of Reading Skills by Scientific Institute ‎Learners in Najran

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Collage of languages and translation‏ - ‏Najran University


         This study investigated the relationship between language motivation types and    achievement among EFL beginner's students at the Scientific Institute in Najran (Almahad Alalmi). It also identified the differences between integrative motivation and instrumental motivation in developing the reading skills. Sixty students were selected from two classes in the third grade secondary. The study adopted the questionnaire to collect the data of the study and test for reading skills. SPSS software was used to do statistical analysis on the collected data. The results of the study showed that the most frequent of high achievers were integrative motivation. The findings also revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between integrative motivation and instrumental achievers in the overall use of reading skill test. The study's goal is to concentrate on strategies to improve the process of teaching and learning English in ESL courses, particularly their reading skills.